
Posts tagged with City

  1. Citygarden Sculpture Park

    2024-06-01 11:43:00 UTC

    On a recent walkabout, I stumbled upon the Citygarden Sculpture Park.  It’s an urban sculpture park located in downtown St. Louis, currently under renovation.  The park contains free interactive art along with gardens and fountains that cover nearly two blocks in the downtown area.  It is located between Eighth, Tenth,…

  2. STL Cityscapes

    2024-04-20 12:57:17 UTC

    Wander STL was launched last year with the goal of showcasing the amazing city of St Louis (MO) and the surrounding area.  Over time, I’ve had the joy of taking thousands of images from nearly every corner of the city and beyond.  This 7 image set features some of my…

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